Data Reformatting Service (DRS)

SOCET Services - Data Reformatting Service (DRS) is a commercially offered product comprised of pixel processing, image reformatting, chipping, overview generation, ground-to-image, image-to-ground, and metadata extraction capabilities.

At its core, DRS is designed as a batch ("job oriented") toolset to perform three core functions:

  • Image metadata extraction – DRS provides tools to extract metadata from image file formats, including still and motion imagery.
  • Image geo-location – DRS provides tools to utilize common imagery geolocation metadata (sensor models) to perform such common geo-location functions as "image-to-ground", "ground-to-image", "average ground sample distance", etc.
  • Image alteration and reformatting – DRS provides the ability to produce derived image products by performing common image algorithms (Reduced Resolution Datasets (RRDS), thumbnail generation (Browse), chips (often referred to as cropping or image subsets), quality reduction, and bit depth modification. DRS also provides the ability to perform format and compression conversions in conjunction with these algorithms.

DRS is a server-side, multi-threaded product supporting 64-bit Linux® and Windows® platforms. Its conversion capabilities are independently validated by the NIQU organization (NTM, FIA, MCG and commercial). It provides a single Application Programming Interface (API) for sensor model processing, including embedded support for national and tactical sensor models. It provides robust XML metadata for most imagery formats, including intel imagery formats (NITF, TFRD, TIFF/GeoTIFF, J2K, JPG, “Tier 2” commercial types) and MC&G support file formats (MSD/RMSD/AMSD/USMSD). It supports motion imagery gallery overview/clipping with H264 compression. It provides server-side ground-to-image and image-to-ground processing; offloading compute intensive processes from the clients.

Versions currently maintained and supported by GXP®

  • Data Reformatting Service v5.2.23.R6 (F) (32bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.03.R13 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.04.R5 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.05.R2 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.07.R2 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.07.R3 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.08.R1 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.08.R2 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.08.R4 (64 bit)
  • Data Reformatting Service v5.6.08.R5 (64 bit)

SOCET Services DRS components

Rset (RRDS generation):

  • NTM and MC&G – Support for Reduced Resolution Anti-Aliasing (RRAA) convolution filters and provides anamorphic correction
  • Browse Generation (thumbnail and overview)

Format conversions (includes releasability):

  • Commercial – tier 1 (Maxar, GeoEye)
  • Commercial – tier 2 (SPOT, CAP, HDF…)
  • Tactical
  • NTM
  • FIA
  • Special

Support data metadata extraction (header text format):

  • Commercial – tier 1 (Maxar, GeoEye)
  • Commercial – tier 2 (SPOT, CAP, HDF…)
  • Tactical
  • NTM
  • FIA
  • Special
  • XML Metadata Extraction add-on (XML format)


  • FAF, GEO, pixel

Miscellaneous modules:

  • Compression Conversions (including TFRD, J2K Quality/Resolution Parsing) from higher to lower quality or from one format to another
  • J2K Transcoding
  • Math Model (Corner Extraction, Mensuration, MSP)
  • Motion Imagery (wraps GOTS software)
  • AGP Coordinate System Conversions (Ortho/DEM resampling)
  • Burn (burn vectors in raster)/Scale/Remap (8-bit to 11-bit)
  • Boost ASIO TCP/IP interface
  • Support for NTM “IMPing” (cross segment TFRD chipping)
  • Java Native Interface support
  • Support for TMPFS file management (in memory processing using TMPFS) STIL only

GXP Platform Download

The GXP Platform download includes the latest v2.5 release of GXP Xplorer, GXP WebView, and GXP InMotion Video Server. Each application is individually licensed and configured during installation. Customers with an active MyGXP Customer Portal account and current Upgrade Entitlement can log in to download or request a media shipment: